Monday, October 15, 2012

North Carolina Part 1

As some of you know who read this blog, I just spend the weekend in North Carolina where I went to Charlotte and saw the NASCAR race.  I am in no way a NASCAR fan, but holy hell did I have an absolute blast down there!  The food was unreal, the people were so friendly, and I just couldn't have asked for a better time.  I already posted about one thing from my trip down south (Bacon Wrapped Shrimp), but let's pretend this is the official start of my recap of the trip.

Up first will be none other than Beer Can Chicken!  I've heard of this before and know plenty of people who have made it and even more who have eaten it, but I've never experienced it for myself.  Apparently you start with a few chickens all seasoned and prepared just the way you like em...

Once the fire is goin on the grill (the guys I was with were grilling with charcoal and soaked wood chips that smelt awesome), you get the chickens ready for their beers.

You then shove said beer inside the chicken and let it cook for however long it took for it to cook and then enjoy!

I wish I had a picture of the finished product, but at the end of the day I'm just a man.  I saw the grill open up and the last thing on my mind was to pull out my phone and take a picture.  Instead, I just thought about eating as much as I could as fast as I could before the rest of the guys got their hands on it.  So my bad on that one, but I can tell you it was unlike any chicken I've had before.  No idea what magic grill they used, but this chicken was out of this world.

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