Friday, January 11, 2013

Tenders v. Nuggets

Let me start this post off by saying WINGS are not included in this because they're the classic representation of buffalo magic. This post is to make a distinction between Tenders and Nuggets, something a restaurant in Kingston, NY needs to figure out.

Above is a picture of what I ordered. At first glance you're thinking "Mmmmm those look like good buffalo chicken nuggets (or even bites)" and you'd be right except that I ordered buffalo chicken TENDERS. Someone wanna tell me when false advertising became legal??? I was OUTRAGED to say the least. Thank God I ordered a pizza to go with it, but I wanted tenders and got nuggets. If places are gonna lie about things like this then what's next? I order fries and get a baked potato? Ice cream and I get frozen yogurt? Bacon and I get ham?!?! It has to stop! Bottom line is I hate false advertising and I never want nuggets over tenders. There's more food with a tender and as an AMERICAN I am entitled to more of whatever I want. #America 


  1. True story man. Those are "bites" if I've ever seen them. Nuggets aren't even in the question, I refuse to believe there is such a thing as buffalo chicken nuggets. If buffalo is boneless its either a bite or a tender. The above picture is no tender.


  2. Chris Fontaine is a MAN that knows the difference between his buffalo-ized chicken! I was furious when I opened the box, but I did have a pizza on the side so that calmed me down.
