Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hurricanes and Blizzards

Do you think I'm afraid of them?  Well, a little.  I've been camped out at my hotel in Fishkill, NY for both Hurricane Sandy (not to be confused with El Nino) and whatever stupid name this snow storm was dubbed and all I've been able to do is watch the carnage brought to the east coast by Mother Nature.  Flooding, fires, and just crazy amounts of destruction all over the place makes me happy that I've been staying inside a warm (not really so warm because I have the AC on down at 65 degrees) hotel that has power.  In order to combat Mother Nature, I've been ordering massive amounts of food from this place called Antonella's that delivers no matter what it's like outside.  Here's a sample of what's been brought to me:

When I get snowed in or hurrianced in, I like to go all out and order a lot of food in case I can't order anything the next day.  Unfortunately that means all the food gets delivered at one time and I end up eating most, if not all of it while laying on my bed watching The Office on my laptop.  For this round, I ordered Chicken Francese, a Caprese Bruschetta, and Garlic Bread w/ Cheese.  Little did I know that my meal came with a side of pasta, a side salad, two things of fresh bread, AND two orders of garlic knots for the price of OTH (on the house).  I almost cried when the guy handed me a pizza box full of food and two additional bags of food on top.

Another order was Chicken Parm where I again got a side of pasta, a side salad, and a small loaf of Italian bread.  It really pays to order the entree from one of these places because you get so much bonus food you won't know what to do with it.  And when I say "you won't know what to do with it", I mean those reading it and not me.  I knew what to do and that was eat it all and then slip into a food coma.

Two things I want to point out that are really funny to me when I order in are the expressions on the delivery guys' faces and the utensils and plates I get.  When I open the door to sign the receipt for the delivery guy he always looks confused.  I'm assuming he expected to see a family of four in my hotel room waiting for food and not just one guy.  Going with that, the restaurant I order from always gives me six of seven sets of utensils, plates, and napkins.  Again, I think these places think that this is too much for one person to order, but what are ya gonna do.  Hungry times call for hungry measures.  LAY OFF ME I'M STARVING.

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