Monday, November 19, 2012

I Guess I Gained Some Weight

Travel season for me officially ended this past Friday when I took the ferry back from Long Island and drove to my home in CT.  Definitely a bittersweet moment because I love travel, but I was definitely happy to sleep in my own bed and start to have some sort of routine again with my life.  After it's all said and done, it looks like I brought a little something extra home with me from travel besides hundreds of dollars worth of Christmas gifts that I already bought (link to find the Christmas Tree Shop closest to you!).

I weighed myself before leaving for travel in September and then again this past weekend when travel was over and sweet mother of mercy did I gain weight.  Gaining weight while traveling for work is inevitable because I'm FORCED AGAINST MY WILL to eat out.  It's also very easy to add bacon to everything and order dessert when the money doesn't come out of your own pocket.  Long story short, I packed on 13 pounds.

Yikes... not a good look.  But things could be worse so I'll take that unlucky 13 and knock em off in no time.  The important thing to remember here is that I enjoyed the hell out of the ride.  My next few posts (I'm thinking 3-4) will recap my travel season in its entirety so I can pick out the highlights, my favorite places to eat, and the 10 Commandments of Travel Season.

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