Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pre-Thanksgiving Feast

I'm taking a break from my Travel Season recap to pay RESPECT to a holiday that gets overlooked due to Christmas. Most people think I don't care about Thanksgiving because I get geeked up about Christmas, but those people would be idiots. Christmas has a season and Thanksgiving has a day. Today is all about Turkey Day (and Christmas... I may or may not have bought a gift for my Aunt and Uncle this morning). I've been up and after it with mia madre since 5:00am starting the turkey, making sauce, and so on. But this post is about last night's dinner.

Honey Ham for days, rice, broccoli, PEPPERONI BREAD, apple sauce, and more. I eat at a ton of great places, but nothing beats coming home to my mother's cooking. Seriously, if I knew a girl who cooked as well as my mom or had a mom that cooked like this, I'd propose on the spot just to lock up this type of cooking.

And while I'm at it, I just had one of my mom's legendary omelets. I honestly don't get it. I watch her make it, ask her step by step what she's doing and why, yet I can never duplicate the final product. The cheese and bacon in this thing surpass what you see on 2 double quarter pounders. A few of my friends have experienced this and can back me up. Best. Cook. Ever. (Although my friend Frank Rinaldi is a head chef and owns his own restaurant down in NC, I think I might take her cooking over his, but don't tell him)

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