Monday, January 7, 2013

Loaded BBQ Beef Nachos

I feel like the title says it all, but just in case, this picture above should help.

Drew and I were hungry one day while home from work and we needed something to eat. Instead of being boring and making a sandwich or ordering Chinese, I had a brilliant idea. Let's use blue corn chips, sprinkle 1/3 of a bag of shredded cheese on said chips, squirt BBQ sauce on that, cook a pound of ground meat and throw that on top (with some buffalo seasoning), then use the other 2/3 bag of cheese, and finish it off with whatever BBQ sauce we had left.  My mouth is watering just thinking about these chips again. They were so cheesy and delicious it's not even funny. I never not want to eat them.

Below is a picture of me finishing off what was left. Every once in a while someone approaches me about my blog and thinks that I don't eat half the stuff I blog about. Well sir or madam, you're an idiot. As this nacho nirvana came to an end, Drew tapped out with a massive amount still in the pan. He challenged me to just grab it and eat it all and I obliged. I know What's Really Good and it's givin the people what they want!

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