Monday, January 14, 2013

String Cheese

String Cheese - Gotta Have It or Who Cares?

I don't think anyone is ever in the middle on string cheese.  I feel like if you eat string cheese, you love it and it's a frequent snack for you, but if you don't eat string cheese, you're perfectly ok with it falling off the face of the Earth and you never really have a craving for it.  Growing up I know I was on the string cheese bandwagon because my mother bought it for me and I had it a few times a week with my lunch at school.  It was a snack made out of cheese, not mad about it, but it also allowed me to play with my food by peeling it apart and eating thin strand of cheese after thin strand of cheese after whirling it around for a bit.

Now that I'm older and a tad more mature, I don't see the allure anymore.

Toby: (watching Ryan eat string cheese) Wow, you just dive right in.
Ryan: You know, around age 12, I just started going for it.

Although I am a kid at heart, I'm more concerned with eating food quicker than I am with playing with it.  So at the end of the day I would attack it like Ryan from The Office would and dive right in.  When it comes to a snack, who really cares about string cheese anymore?  I'll take a can of Pringles, a granola bar, A PIECE OF FRUIT, or a throwback snack in Gushers any day.

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