Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 - The Year of the Rice Ball

I just returned home from a 5 day excursion in the great city of Boston where I stumbled upon one of God's greatest creations: DEEP FRIED RICE BALLS.

If you don't know the joy that is a deep fried rice ball, drive to the north end of Boston to a place called Pompay and order at least half a dozen. These things are so good that I had them on back to back nights. A great man named Marty introduced these heavenly meteorites to me and it was like coming back from a war and reuniting with my wife. Tears of joy people. And I need to thank John Volks for deciding to go back for more the next night instead of telling the cab driver to take us to Atlantic City. That might have been an expensive ride...

Either way I think 2013 will be a healthier year for me and what better way to start off the new year, the new me, the new eating outlook of eating healthy than with deep fried rice (healthy part) balls!?!?  Cheers to a new year that promises to bring plenty of ups and downs which is why life is worth living!

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