Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Cocoa #4

We have a new champion!!!!! I really hope I don't say that in any of my fantasy football leagues this year (defending champ in 3 and I'm in the semis in 5 outta 6 leagues), but a new hot cocoa has emerged as my #1!!! Milk Chocolate has been solid for so many years, but Mint Chocolate now stands alone at the top!!!

There is just something about drinking a liquid version of an Andes candy that brings me to a happy place.  It might be because the taste of Mint Chocolate Hot Cocoa reminds me of times at my Aunt Maryanne's where I ate Andes candies by the mouthful until my mother yelled at me or it could be the times where I ate Andes candies at my grandfather's house and hid the wrappers in the couch cushions because I wasn't supposed to have any, but either way the taste of this cocoa was terrific.  I also took it to the next level via my mug because I had the pleasure of tasting this hot cocoa at home instead of at work.

That's right folks!  Merry Christmas mug!  Christmas makes everything better!  If you say otherwise then you're a liar, mean, a Grinch, and someone who is not my friend.  But back to the point of this blog, Mint Chocolate Hot Cocoa is my new favorite.  With only one hot cocoa left to try this week, I doubt it'll be knocked off the podium, but we'll see what Friday has in store tomorrow!

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