Monday, December 17, 2012

Ted's Steamed Cheeseburgers

When I saw Ted's Steamed Cheeseburgers featured on Man v. Food I was stoked because it's in Connecticut.  For those of you who don't know, I'm born and raised in Waterbury, CT and now live (I was about to type reside, but I think that kind of sounds dumb) in Enfield, CT.  So learning of this once hidden now not so hidden gem, I knew I had to make a visit.

In a normal way I walked up to the counter and asked for a cheeseburger.  Casual and to the point, but then I looked up and saw options for "double meat" and "double cheese".  Needless to say, but I'll say it anyways because that's what people do when they say needless to say, I ordered a cheeseburger with double meat, double cheese, bacon (said EXTRA aka one of my travel season commandments), and fries.  Below is what was served up in 7 minutes flat:

At first glance you probably think this was amazing and you're right.  But you're only right if it's opposite day because this was one of the most disappointing burgers I have ever had in my life.  I'm sure you're shocked reading this because I basically like everything, but this burger just doesn't do it for me.  There was a lot of hype around it and I was really excited to taste a burger unlike any other, but when I bit into it I immediately went to sad face mode.

The burger was just "blah".  That's the best way I can describe it.  Just a lack of a taste.  Imagine your friend (for me I will use Brian Baum) who sucks at cooking trying to make a steak or a burger.  Instead of using seasoning or anything to enhance the flavor, all Brian Baum does is take the food out of the freezer and throws it in a pan on the stove (while it's still frozen).  After jabbing at it with a knife for a few minutes, the food is "done" and a greyish meal is "ready" to eat.  That's basically what I was presented with only it was dressed up with globs of cheese and bacon.  Don't get me wrong, I beasted it, but it was such a let down just like most sequels to great movies (exceptions off the top of my head would be Bad Boys 2, Home Alone 2, Rocky IV).  Bottom line, if you wanna know "What's Really Good", go somewhere not named Ted's.

1 comment:

  1. I'm surprised there was no Niners love in your post today. I have to second the Meh, factor on Teds. Steamed burger was an interesting concept, but like you said heavily underseasoned. However, Woody's the hot dog shop in Hartford that was highlighted on Man Vs Food was phenomenal. If you wanna hit them up, gimme a call sometime and we will beast out some dogs.

