Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Cocoa #5

It's all over folks! Today is the last day of Christmas Cocoa and it also happens to be my last day at work for 2012!!!  Gotta love working in higher ed because I have vacation next week and then a bonus week off for Christmas/NYE.  So to close out my week and to challenge the new champ in Mint Chocolate we have Caramel Cream.

Not blown away by the snowman on the cover because he's about to get seriously hurt.  I went snowboarding one time and my friends thought I would pick it up on the spot... they were wrong.  Frosty over here looks similar to me when I accidentally went off a jump at the bottom of the mountain and nearly did a back flip before crashing down and basically becoming a lifeless body.  But this isn't about me, it's about the cocoa.  While I liked the overall taste of it and the fact that it was different than all the others, something about it held me back from really enjoying it.  I'm a big fan of caramel (Caramellos are AMAZING), but I still had Mint Chocolate on my mind.  It was really unfair to Caramel Cream because it lost before the race even started.  No matter how delicious it tasted I would be comparing it to Mint Chocolate.  Just no shot at winning.

In the end, this is how I would rank my Christmas Cocoa Week:
#1- Mint Chocolate
#2- Milk Chocolate
#3- French Vanilla
#4- Dark Chocolate Sensation
#5- Caramel Cream

They're all delicious and all worth trying.  Nothing wrong with any of them, but if you're like me, save Mint Chocolate til the end so it doesn't ruin the taste of any of the other flavors.

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