Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Goober

Yesterday was a good/bad-happy/sad day for me because I went with my aunt, mom, and brother to my aunt's house in Rhode Island to more or less close up shop there because my aunt sold the place. It's obviously a sad time because I'll never be going back there for long weekends, but it was really cool driving by places with my aunt and reliving childhood memories.

One of my favorite things to do in RI was go to Casey's Restaurant which was this awesome Irish inspired place to eat. Growing up we went there for dinner almost every time I went to RI so I was stoked to go. I was a picky little shit as a kid so we would order waffle fries and buffalo wings as an appetizer and I'd get another order of wings as my meal. Now that my taste buds have matured, I was ready to look beyond the first page of the menu to really see what Casey's had to offer.

Son. Of. A. Bitch.

We pulled up and there was a sign that said "closed for renovations" on the door. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? I was talking about those wings ALL DAY (not to be confused with AP who we need to have a MONSTER GAME today) and now they've been taken from me. After some mental swearing we hatched a new plan and it was off to another fan favorite in Mews Tavern.

I know what you're thinking and no, this was not a Pokemon themed restaurant because it's called Mews. It's a nice lil tavern where I ordered a unique creation called The Goober.

At first glance I thought this would be a cheese fiesta of a burger (the likes that would make Francesca proud), but it went in a different direction. The Goober was a bacon cheeseburger with a fried egg (had it before and liked it) and a few globs of peanut butter. I like, nay, love all of those things, but I never thought of combining them before. Kind of a weird concept, but I went for it and had mixed feelings. Overall it tasted good (curly fries were a nice addition), but the peanut butter was a bit over powering in a sense that my taste buds keyed in on that instead of being able to taste the burger itself or the bacon. I like the idea, but I'd more than likely go for a normal cheeseburger next time and just drench that bad boy with BBQ sauce. 

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