Friday, September 28, 2012

Diner #1 - Let's Get Randy

It was lunchtime on a Friday afternoon, but this was no normal Friday afternoon.  There I was, standing at the front desk of my hotel asking for recommendations for places to eat and who uses his Jedi mind control to open the sliding glass doors?  None other than Randall Insero from my hometown of Waterbuy, CT.  Granted, I knew he was coming (my Jedi mind control and abilities are far superior than that of the average Jedi), but as soon as I saw him dressed in his shirt and tie I lit up like the 4th of July.  But the question still remained: Where do we go eat?

In steps Thomas's Ham 'N' Eggery Diner.  I was skeptical at first because I'm not sure what the hell an "Eggery" is, but after a quick back and forth, we were on our way.  Once we pulled up to the place, we knew we were in for a treat seeing as how the parking lot was full on a Friday afternoon at 1:30pm.  After parking on the street, we walked in, found out it was CASH ONLY (don't worry, Western New England will reimburse me), and sat down to order.  Let the record show that the following is the first appearance of a human being on the What's Really Good? blog...

Eager to attack, I was able to capture Randall in his natural food stalking pose as he was about to dig into his hamburger omelette.  I don't think either of us has ever seen a hamburger omelette, so it was only natural that one of us ordered it.  I went with a more traditional order seen here:

Bacon, sausage, ham, American cheese, and cheddar cheese are what makes up this delicious delight.  We both got some home fries and a side of toast, and yes, I did in fact order a glass of chocolate milk.  If you think that's wrong or childish then I hope you get hit by a bus or lose the ability to taste.  Too far?  Not far enough?  Either way, don't disrespect chocolate milk.  Overall it was a solid recommendation and I would absolutely go back.  Thanks again to Randall for being my special guest and for being the first person to be featured on What's Really Good?

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