Monday, September 24, 2012


Oxygen, Water, and Bacon. (Eye-Catching Opening courtesy of Ms. (now Mrs.) Cybart) Those are the 3 things that I need to survive on this planet and I was able to have all 3 at my hotel this morning!

I'm attempting to write this post from my phone so I'm not sure how the layout will look, so no judging!  Also, my grammar/spelling isn't perfect and will never be perfect, SO BACK OFF.  No need for chirping there.  Anyways, this is what I started with this morning.  Nothing wrong with an all-you-cn-eat breakfast buffet.  You wanna know What's Really Good?  UNLIMITED BACON.
And I'm sure everyone noticed the strawberries on my plate.  Who was I kidding with that?  I mean, I eventually ate them because I hate wasting food, but that was space reserved for bacon.  But hey, sometimes this blogger needs to eat healthy.

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