Saturday, September 29, 2012


I seem to find myself faced with one of these issues every other day and it got me thinking.  What would you rather have happen to you?  Would you rather over eat, or over sleep?  Let's take a look at the pros and cons for each starting with over eating.

This poor little kitty has clearly stuffed itself to exhaustion.  I can respect that, but I also know how that feels.  While eating, your taste buds become alive, you're happy, and you're just overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and bliss that goes unmatched in this world.  But then you get to a point in your meal where your body is satisfied and you should stop putting food in your mouth.  Some people have "self control", but I'm not on of the lucky ones.  I don't sit down at a table and eat until I'm satisfied.  I sit down at a table and eat until there is no more food in front of me and usually no more food in front of anyone else at the table.  I eat until I am physically uncomfortable to be alive and all I wanna do is pass out on the table, much like my furry friend above.  That feeling of being overstuffed can almost ruin the fun filled ride that got you to this feeling in the first place, but is that worse than over sleeping?

Right off the bat you would assume that over sleeping is better than over eating because you don't feel like you're about to burst out of your clothes, but let's not rush to conclusions.  When you over sleep, you usually wake up extra refreshed and obviously really rested, so what's the problem?  For me, the problem is that initial five minutes after you wake up where you say "OH SHIT" after looking at the alarm clock.  That moment of panic is awful because you're just waking up where your brain is just starting to function and BOOM... your mind is flooded with everything that you have to do that day and how you're late and will never make it anywhere on time.  This is usually followed by a mental debate as to whether or not it's worth even getting out of bed or just scrapping the entire day, which spends more time and makes you even later, before you finally get up via a violent thrust to start getting ready.
So, after my brief analysis, I would have to say that I'd rather over eat than over sleep 10 times outta 10.  My main reasoning behind my decision is the simple fact that you enjoy eating the food more than sleeping because you're conscious and aware of how amazing eating something is tasting.  In addition to that, over eating makes you uncomfortable for maybe a half an hour versus over sleeping potentially ruining an entire day.  Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments section (I just made commenting available... still new to blogging so there are still kinks to work out).

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