Saturday, September 22, 2012

Welcome One and All!

Welcome to the What's Really Good blog that I'm attempting to start.  I might as well be honest with everyone who reads this from day 1 and let you all know that I have little to no idea what I'm doing.  I was told by quite a few people that they love seeing my food pictures that I post throughout the year via Facebook and Twitter and that I should start a blog and "here we are" (I make a lot of horrible references to inside jokes, TV shows, movies, and so on... sorry in advance).

I figured a good first post would be to explain the blog, talk about what I will be blogging about, and the reason for the name.  After a quick eenie, meanie, minie, mo (I could have easily spelled each of those "words" wrong), I'll start by explaining the title of the blog.

"What's Really Good?" actually has a duel meaning.  I went to Kennedy High School in Waterbury, CT and that saying was heard throughout the halls all day, every day.  It's a saying that's synonymous with "how are you?" or "what's going on?", but in the halls of Kennedy, "what's really good?" was used.  Regardless, I like the saying and plan to sample a variety of different delicious things while I travel for work, cook at home, or just stumble upon something at night to find out "what's really good."

That's a nice transition into what I'll be talking about.  Bottom line here is that I love food.  Eating food is literally my favorite thing to do in the world.  Don't get me wrong, I love sleeping, watching TV, playing basketball, and so on, but eating takes the cake... or I take the cake.  Either way those type of jokes will be happening a lot so learn to love them.  But that's really it... plan and simple I'll be talking about food I eat and hopefully provide a few pictures to make people drool along the way.

In a nutshell, that is the blog. I might throw in a different post about football or a current event or something along the way (especially if I don't eat anything that's blog worthy), but it'll mostly be about food. Hopefully bacon will be involved 90-95% of the time. So until I get my first blog worthy meal, feel free to send me some bacon. My birthday is in July and Christmas is obviously in December, but a random bacon surprise would make my day!

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