Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Life Blood of the Admissions World

Who knew that maintaining a blog would be so much work?  I feel like I need to write a post every few hours, but I never have enough time to sit down and do one.  Things like sleep, work, and grad school keep getting in the way, but NO MORE!  I was supposed to be at a high school doing a mini fair, but the school told me on the phone specifically not to come.  I wasn't registered and was planning on just crashing the fair, but word for word was told "we have no room so if you come, you'll have to get back in your car and leave."  So in other words, she said to take a few hours off and go blog about something.  How dare she threaten me with a good time!  But I obliged and now I'm sitting in a Starbucks doing what Admissions Counselors do best during the day aka sucking down coffee and filling time before the next visit.

I'm not a huge coffee fan, but working in Admissions has forced me to drink coffee.  I shake uncontrollably all the time (thanks again to my office for pointing it out CONSTANTLY), but add coffee to the mix and I'm like a 6'6" human earthquake.  At the end of the day I'd rather have shaky hands than sweaty ones, so I guess I can't complain.  But there's nothing better than a nice Large Caramel Iced Coffee to break up the day.  And yes, I said large.  I hate the sizes that Starbucks has.  Tall, Grande, and Venti?  Paul Rudd was right with his mini rant in Role Models.  One of my favorite scenes by far.

1 comment:

  1. You forgot TRENTA son. I consume two a day minimum. FILL MY BODY WITH STIMULANTS STARBUCKS AND CALL ME PEACHES.
