Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Admissions Secret

As most of you know, I'm an Admissions Counselor who has a variety of responsibilities, but one of the main aspects of my job is to travel to certain territories and recruit students via college fairs and individual private high school visits.  I think I'm pretty good at what I do, but I figured I'd shed some light on my secrets to recruitment this morning so others can benefit from them.  Normally when a counselor shows up to a high school they bring a suitcase or travel bag full of material to pass out to students.  This consists of inquiry cards, open house dates, a list of majors at the school, and so on.  That's where everyone goes wrong.  This is my travel bag and what I bring to schools:

Yes... that's a suitcase filled with meat.  You wanna know why our football team had the best record in school history last year or why lacrosse, soccer, and baseball were all ranked in the top 25 for D-III schools?  Suitcase full of meat.  This is how you recruit the top tier athletes and this is how you throw nothing but wins at a college fair.  People might have #AdmissionsProblems, but I have #AdmissionsSolutions.  I believe the saying is #YOLO, which in my world means the following:

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