Monday, October 8, 2012

All American Fail

There are only a few things on this planet that I'm over the top passionate about: eating, America, football, friends/family, and competition. The list is probably longer, but that's the highlight reel. You could imagine my excitement when I decided to go to the All American Hamburger in Massapequa, NY on Long Island.

Best thing about this place are the prices. Everything was so cheap it wasn't even funny. I was prepared to order $15 worth of food which would have gotten me 4 double cheeseburgers, a grilled cheese, 2 hot dogs, fries, and a chocolate shake, but I soon found out the worst part about this place - cash only. DAMMIT.

Either way I was still able to get a double cheeseburger, hot dog, and fries with the money I use to tip people while traveling on the road. I'm sad to say, I was kind of disappointed with what I got. The food came out quick, tasted ok, but it was really nothing special. I would take Frankies from Waterbury over them and I'm not even a huge fan of my hometown spot. Oh well, still worth a trip to experience it.

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