Thursday, October 25, 2012

Evolution - Admissions Style

Not gonna lie, I'm shaking uncontrollably while typing this blog. I do shake on a consistent basis (minor tremors in my arms... Thanks doctor for telling me yet not fixing the problem), but it's because I'm addicted to coffee now. I never liked coffee growing up and I still don't love it, but I find myself slugging down cup after cup of this stuff. Why? Because I'm an Admissions Counselor. Early mornings, late nights, long drives, and awkward gaps throughout the days force me to either sleep in my car or hang out at a Starbucks, Panera, or Dunkin. I don't know about any of you, but I feel guilty going to one of these places and just hangin out and mooching off their wi-fi so I always grab a coffee.

What's really funny for me is the fact my career and my addiction to coffee has evolved hand in hand over time. I started in this field as an Admissions Rep who knew little about the industry, but was willing and eager to learn and grow. I then was hired full time and evolved to the next level and became a full fledged Admissions Counselor. After 2 years I evolved again and became an Assistant Director of Admissions (not to be confused with an Assistant to the Director of Admissions). With each step up professionally I also stepped up my coffee intake. I'm not sure if there's a level beyond my current state and frankly, I'm scared to find out. See where you fall on the evolution chain for coffee addicts:

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