Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Port Royale Grill - Man v. Food

TIME TO STEP IT UP!  Although this happened a few days ago, I obviously didn't blog about this until now.  Once I saw the episode of Man v. Food where Adam Richman went to Long Island and took on the Davey Jones' Locker Challenge, I knew I had to make a stop here and give it a shot too.

So I sit down, grab a menu, and am ready to open that locker door and attack all the delicious seafood that's inside.  But then I see the price...  Probably not the best idea to charge a $95 meal on my company card.  In theory, if I beat the challenge it would have been free, but if there's one thing I hate more than failing an eating challenge it's failing an eating challenge and having to pay for that meal with my own money.  Instead, I decided to act like a normal person and I ordered the crab cake burger.

Again, my stomach got the best of me because I had a nice cup of shrimp/corn soup (actually called shrimp/corn soup because our waitress didn't know the proper name of it) and Ant ordered some great tasting buffalo wings that I politely helped him with, but they are not pictured.  Overall this was a pretty decent meal.  The crab cake was fantastic, the side red mayo spread was ok, and I went with regular fries because Jenn ordered sweet potato ones ahead of me.  The secret part about this meal was the maple mustard crazy hybrid dipping sauce that I got on the side.  Holy hell was that a good call.  It literally made everything taste 3x as good.  I would equate that to ordering buffalo wings and then getting ranch to dip them in.  Instant upgrade to the meal.

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