Monday, October 1, 2012

Dunkin Donuts v. Starbucks

I'm blogging this post from my phone because I'm so annoyed with what just happened. No idea if the picture will be embedded properly, but this debate needs to be put to rest. Thanks to the nature of my job, I now drink a decent amount of coffee. Would I say I'm addicted? No, but I find myself having a craving from time to time. In order to extinguish said craving, I'll go to either Dunks or Starbucks and order a large caramel iced coffee with light milk and no sugar. Not a complicated order by any means, but take a look at the pic of what D&D just threw my way.

I DIDN'T ORDER SUGAR MILK. I don't get why it's so hard to get that order right. I say it slow, am polite, and make it very clear what I want. Dunks has embarrassed itself time and time again while Starbucks keeps throwing wins. Although I don't want to, I might boycott Dunks. This fight was over before it even started. I'll take Starbucks every day of the week and twice on Sundays over D&D. Class it up Dunkin Donuts, you just got KO'd before the bell even rang.


  1. You should post this on their facebook wall with a similiar rant...I bet they'd send you a gift certificate or something..

  2. Large Hazelnut Iced Coffee, Black. That's is what you order at dunkin donuts. Nothing else. That's your problem right there.
