Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Not So Majestic - Diner #2

One of my goals every travel season is to try and visit as many diners as I can while on the road for work.  Don't get me wrong, I love Chili's, Ruby Tuesday's, TGI Friday's, FRIENDLY'S, and so on, but I can have that any time.  So one night, a few friends and I went to Majestic Diner in Westbury, NY (this was also after failed attempts to go to Dave & Busters, grab sushi, or even go to the Cheesecake Factory) and sampled what they had to offer.

This is a warning that this post will be the longest one to date due to the amount of food that was ordered so hang in there, but then again, that's why you're reading this in the first place so you're welcome.

It was pretty late at night and the five of us (Ryan, Steph, Kat, C-Money, and Myself) were starving, so I figured I would get the ball rolling with a nice soup and an appetizer to share.  Kat and I both ordered the Clam Chowder and were so excited about it because we haven't had it in a while (I had it like 4 days ago, but that's a long enough drought in my world).  Something we should have noticed was the fact that we ordered "clam chowder" and not "New England clam chowder".  BIG MISTAKE.  Here's what came out way:

Manhattan... That's what happens when you don't pay attention folks.  I've learned that excellence is in the details and I should have paid attention to the absence of "New England", but Kat and I both made that mental mistake.  Irregardlessly (yes, I know that's not a word), the chowder wasn't all that bad.  I had my heart set on the better version, but this wasn't the worst thing that could have happened.  After all, I did order garlic bread with cheese as an appetizer.  Just look at how good it looked:

You might be reading this thinking "does he know that's an order of waffle fries?" and the answer is yes.  I ordered garlic bread with cheese and was presented with waffle fries with cheese.  Was I mad?  Tough to say because I can't recall ever being mad about waffle fries with cheese, but I was a tad disappointed about the lack of garlic bread.  Worst part about this was that I had to pay for them.  Our waiter messed up my order so you think the least he could do was give me the waffle fries FO FREE.  You had to of known that reference was coming and if you are reading this and don't know what I am referencing, then that's just plain unforgivable.

Moving on from there, I was thrilled to finally get my order of a french dip with cheese.  They loaded it up with an unnecessary amount of meat and cheese and gave me plenty of "au jus" to dip it in.

So I had a bumpy road to an "ok" meal.  If you asked me "What's Really Good" out of what I ate, I'd have to say the french dip was #1, then the "garlic bread" was #2, and rounding out the meal was the Manhattan Clam Chowder at #3.  But let's not forget about everyone else at the table!  Yes, everyone got some sort of appetizer or soup, but a lot of meals went unfinished this night and my heart wept for them.

Failure #1 was Kat.  I believe that's half of an egg salad sandwich left on the plate.  Do I blame her?  Nope, because I don't mess with egg salad or pasta salad or any salad that has mayo as a main ingredient.

I'm not sure what kind of big salad this was, but it was like two regular sized salads, but in a big bowl.  God I hope people that read this blog also are familiar with Seinfeld and The Office because I'm really gonna start injecting a lot of references into these posts.  Anyways, this was Failure #2, but C-Money did order Matzo Ball Soup which was a clutch decision.  If anything, she's a winner for side stepping the chowder.

I'm upset about FAILURE #3.  Not only is this my man Ryan, not only is this an unfinished salad, not only is he avoiding being captured in this picture, but that's my Michael Jordan Dream Team jersey!  How can you wear that jersey and have the word failure follow you around?!?!  It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous!

Last, but certainly not least is Steph.  She was the smallest one at the table, but actually ordered the most food out of anyone.  Granted, she might have eaten the least out of anyone, but that's besides the point.  Failure #4 was expected, but ya gotta give credit where credit is due.  She ordered a sausage egg and cheese sandwich, a pizza bagel, and an order of potato skins.  Gotta respect the heart.  What's that saying though... your eyes are bigger than your stomach?  Well crazy eyes went crazy while ordering, but she gave it her best shot!

I wonder how upset Steph will be when she sees that I posted this picture of her...  Either way, diner #2 is in the books.  Definitely could have been better, but at least I know to specify what clam chowder I want from here on out.



  2. Damn those waffle fries with cheese look absolutely amazing brotha!!!
