Tuesday, October 16, 2012

North Carolina Part 2

I love fried food. That's a sentence that I know I don't need to write, but I really love fried food. Everything is better when it's fried. Chicken? Oreos? Twinkies? CHECK CHECK CHECK. So why bring that up? Fried Pickles.

Fried Pickles are not new to me and my healthy diet, but these ones were so good I had to blog about them. Something that was a little different with these southern fried pickles was the kick that came with em. Instead of tasting a pickle with fried goodness, I bit into something that had a nice after taste. Apparently they like to mix in some tabasco sauce when preparing the batter to deep fry the pickles in. I'm not complaining because they were great. Dunk a few in ranch and you have yourself quite a tasty app.

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