Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bacon Cookies

If the title of this post doesn't entice you to read, nothing will.  Bacon cookies combines the traditional awesomeness of chocolate chip cookies with the heaven sent deliciousness that is bacon into one Ultra Mega-Dragonzord type creation.  The sweetness of the cookie is balanced out perfectly by the saltiness of the bacon and it's truly a snack made for kings.  I'm fortunate enough to have tasted bacon cookies a few times in my life (shout out to Jenna P for a phenomenal birthday gift and the beer tasting that Abby, Rachael, Sam, Drew, and I went to) so if you haven't had the chance to sample one, I suggest scrapping your plans for the evening and baking a few.  If you do so, please let me know and I'll send a bacon cookie expert to your house in order to sample the cookies for a potential cash prize.

** I am the bacon cookie expert and the potential cash prize is actually me coming to your house, eating the bacon cookies, and leaving you a crisp $1 bill for your efforts **

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