Thursday, October 4, 2012

Food at a Private High School

What can I say? Private schools know how to take care of ya. No chicken nuggets or pizza here. My fair last night took dinner to a whole new level. I'm not gonna sugar coat it, so let me cut to the chase. I've never been about beating around the bush. Not my style. I'm direct with what I want to say. I don't add fluffer sentences to drag things on and on and on. I do love fluff though. Speaking of fluff, I slapped my friend Gary with fluff in the face over the summer.

After that little run around, this is what I ate last night. Stuffed shells, chicken piccatta, veggie medley, rice, salad, and so on. I had a nice mix with my first plate and then went heavy on the stuffed shells for round two. In addition to that, there were like 10-12 different cheesecakes for dessert! In even further addition to that, it was an open bar for two hours with beer and wine. God I love my job!

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