Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bacon Wrapped Shrimp

You heard me correctly.  Normally it's all about bacon wrapped scallops, rightfully so, but sweet mother of mercy are bacon wrapped shrimp delicious!

I'm down here in North Carolina for the weekend to watch NASCAR with my uncle (race was last night) and we grilled and ate legit all day long.  It was nothing but beer, BBQ, and NASCAR all day long and it was a once in a life time experience.  I'll be doing a few posts in the near future about this weekend and the BBQ that I indulged in, but the bacon wrapped shrimp that was grilled up stood out from the rest.

There were so many delicious things that I ate, but this one rises above the rest because I never expected it to be there.  We had the hot dogs, burgers, sausage, pulled pork. chicken, buffalo wings, and so on, but seafood at NASCAR?  Leave it to my Uncle Dave to pick up some shrimp at the grocery store before we get there!  I laughed at first, but am so happy he made that move later because these things were amazing.  Similar to bacon wrapped scallops, but better because there was more meat to eat.  Instead of poppin bacon wrapped scallops two or three at a time like I'm eating Skittles, I just needed to eat one bacon wrapped shrimp like a normal person.  Did I dunk one or two in BBQ sauce?  I think we all know that I did!  Although the pulled pork that I will blog about later was probably my favorite, bacon wrapped shrimp is what's really good!

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